Roifield Brown - Mid Atlantic
Mid-Atlantic - conversations about US, UK and world politics
Super Tuesday Special: The Age Factor and Beyond in American Politics

Super Tuesday Special: The Age Factor and Beyond in American Politics

Slap bang in the heart of Birmingham, overlooking the iconic Council House from the modern and impressive 103 Colmore Row building, I had the pleasure of engaging in a brief conversation with Dr Steve Hewitt, an associate professor specialising in North American history at the University of Birmingham. Dr Hewitt, who cuts a distinguished figure with his tall stature, had just delivered a concise presentation on Super Tuesday to a modest audience. He remarked that this election season had been somewhat of a damp squib, yet there were still many intriguing aspects to examine in the run-up to the White House.

Following his presentation, Dr Hewitt shared his insights into the current state of American politics, expressing a sentiment of disillusionment with the presidential primary process and the candidates it has produced for both major parties. Our discussion explored the concept of gerontocracy, emphasising the advanced ages of leading candidates Donald Trump and Joe Biden, and considering the implications of their potential presidencies. Dr Hewitt's analysis went beyond mere age concerns, addressing the legal and financial challenges facing Trump and the broader implications for American democracy.

One particularly intriguing aspect of Dr Hewitt's talk was his reference to actuarial tables, highlighting the mortality risks associated with ageing candidates. This initiated a wider conversation about the unpredictability of the forthcoming election, the media's role, and the evolving nature of U.S. political parties. Dr Hewitt speculated on the future directions of the Democratic and Republican parties, considering how the 2024 election outcomes might influence their trajectories. He pointed out the diminishing relevance of traditional party structures in the social media era and the rise of independent voters, hinting at a potential shift towards a more personality-driven political landscape.

The dialogue also covered potential candidates for the 2028 election and the persistent influence of Trumpism on the Republican Party. Dr Hewitt explored the forthcoming challenges and opportunities in American politics, underscoring the significance of voter engagement and the transformative potential of political participation.


In conclusion, our discussion highlighted the importance of understanding the intricacies of American politics, particularly in a period characterised by deep divisions and rapid change. With a final handshake, our brief exchange concluded, leaving us to ponder nothing more than the margin of victory for Biden and Trump in their respective Super Tuesday races.

Special thanks go out to Dan Harrison from the Birmingham Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the invite to the Super Tuesday event.

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Roifield Brown - Mid Atlantic
Mid-Atlantic - conversations about US, UK and world politics
Chit chat and debate about politics and culture in the US and UK, with Host Roifield Brown and guests.