Roifield Brown - Mid Atlantic
Mid-Atlantic - conversations about US, UK and world politics
Shutdown Showdown & Kier Starmer's Brexit Brouhaha.

Shutdown Showdown & Kier Starmer's Brexit Brouhaha.

Podcast Show Notes Summary:

Host: Roifield Brown

This episode delves deep into the political landscapes of the U.S. and the U.K, dissecting the unique government shutdown in the U.S. and exploring the implications of Keir Starmer's stance on Brexit in the U.K.

U.S. Government Shutdown:

  • Main Discussion: The podcast explores the current government shutdown in the United States, highlighting its distinctiveness as it emerges from a power struggle within the House of Representatives.

  • Guests: The episode features a panel of political experts and strategists including Aram Fisher, Zee Cohen Sanchez, Logan Phillips, Leah Brown, and Tanye Altrade, who provide their insights and analyses on the political dynamics and repercussions of the shutdown.

  • Key Points:

  • The shutdown is marked by a lack of serious negotiations and progress in Congress, with discourse reduced to grandstanding and personal attacks.

  • Various services are impacted, including food inspection, disaster funds, and national parks.

  • The episode delves into the historical context of government shutdowns, their use as political theatre, and the structural problems within the GOP.

U.K. Politics:

  • Main Discussion: The conversation also touches upon U.K. politics, scrutinising Keir Starmer's stance on Brexit and the possibility of the U.K. rejoining the EU.

  • Key Points:

  • Starmer’s statement of there being no case for rejoining the EU is discussed, exploring whether it is a pragmatic approach to win elections or a reflection of his true stance.

Notable Quotes:

  • Aaron Fisher: "The shutdown is a result of a lack of serious negotiations and progress in Congress. The discourse has been reduced to grandstanding and personal attacks, overshadowing serious issues."

  • Denise Hamilton: "We send a bunch of people to Congress that quite frankly, there's no report card. They win by being oppositional and defiant and disruptive and quite frankly, terrible."

  • Tanya Altrade: "I wish [Starmer] is actually playing this game that he's focused on getting into power, but I can't trust it. I think he's doing and setting maybe some of the right foundations."

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Roifield Brown - Mid Atlantic
Mid-Atlantic - conversations about US, UK and world politics
Chit chat and debate about politics and culture in the US and UK, with Host Roifield Brown and guests.