Roifield Brown - Mid Atlantic
Mid-Atlantic - conversations about US, UK and world politics
Navigating AI for the Future

Navigating AI for the Future

In this podcast episode, we introduce a diverse group of individuals who share their insights and perspectives on the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in our lives. Roifield Brown serves as our host, guiding the conversation through a range of viewpoints.

Laura Babcock, hailing from Hamilton, Canada, brings her expertise as a communication strategist and media commentator who has harnessed AI for writing, editing, and design. Her enthusiasm for AI's creative potential and innovative capabilities is palpable, tempered by a keen awareness of the ethical and social challenges that demand regulation and education.

On the other side of the spectrum, we have Zee Cohen Sanchez in Nevada, USA, a political strategist who approaches AI with skepticism. Having utilized AI sparingly for photo editing, Zee raises thought-provoking questions about AI's impact on democracy, privacy, and human dignity, highlighting concerns about reliability, accountability, and sources.

Moving on to Washington, DC, we meet Logan Phillips, a political pollster and data analyst who has leveraged AI for processing, analyzing, and visualizing data. Logan's optimism about AI enhancing human intelligence and decision-making is apparent. However, he doesn't shy away from discussing AI's limitations and biases, advocating for transparency and quality control.

Joining us from Seattle, USA, is David Volodzko, a journalist and writer who has delved into AI out of curiosity. While not a professional user, David's experiments with AI for paraphrasing, research, and essay writing intrigue him about its potential applications in journalism, art, and communication. He thoughtfully explores the ethical and social implications of AI, emphasizing the critical need for verification and critical thinking.

Doug Levy, a freelance writer and communication strategy expert based in San Francisco, USA, offers practical insights into effectively and responsibly employing AI for writing, editing, and content generation. Drawing from personal experiences, Doug shares examples and tips that shed light on AI's practical applications.

Finally, from Houston, USA, Denise Hamilton, a diversity speaker and TED speaker, lends her perspective on AI's potential for education, diversity, and inclusion. With a curiosity about AI's capabilities in these domains, Denise also underscores the imperative of addressing AI's ethical and social dimensions, advocating for awareness and empowerment.

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Roifield Brown - Mid Atlantic
Mid-Atlantic - conversations about US, UK and world politics
Chit chat and debate about politics and culture in the US and UK, with Host Roifield Brown and guests.