Roifield Brown - Mid Atlantic
Mid-Atlantic - conversations about US, UK and world politics
Hamas attacks Israel: Voices from Both Sides

Hamas attacks Israel: Voices from Both Sides

Roifield Brown delves deep into the escalating crisis between Israel and Palestine, particularly focusing on the recent attacks by Hamas on Israel. The episode features a diverse panel of voices, including Yehudah Mirsky, a Professor of Near Eastern and Judaic Studies; Dr. Ibrahim Horoub, a Palestinian professor from Bethlehem University; Moav Vardi, a prominent Israeli journalist; and Mohammad Manasrah, an educator from the West Bank.


  1. "I've always believed in the two-state solution, firmly upholding that the Palestinian people deserve their own state, one that can live alongside an Israel where its citizens can feel secure and safe." - Roifield Brown

  2. "There is a humanitarian crisis actually happening now in Gaza because of the Israeli bombing and the blockade of the Gaza Strip." - Dr. Ibrahim Horoub

  3. "It's something that we never witnessed. It's something like the pogroms against the Jews in 19th century Russia." - Moav Vardi

All speakers touched upon the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza due to the Israeli bombings and blockade. Dr. Haroub emphasized the need for a balanced perspective, highlighting the suffering on both sides. He also pointed out the challenges Palestinians face in conveying their narrative to the international community, given the media's potential biases. Moav Vardi provided insights into the political situation in Israel, explaining the country's shift in strategy towards Hamas. He mentioned that the aim now is not just deterrence but the complete dismantling of Hamas's military capabilities.

A recurring theme throughout the discussion was the international community's role and perception. Dr. Haroub expressed concerns about how the Palestinian people are often conflated with Hamas in global media narratives, potentially affecting international sympathy and support. On the other hand, Vardi highlighted the importance of international backing for Israel, especially from allies like the U.S.

Yehudah Mirsky expressed sadness over the humanitarian crises in both Israel and Palestine. He emphasized the importance of understanding the broader context and not just focusing on one side's losses. He highlighted the Israeli government's use of propaganda to change narratives and demonize Palestinian practices.

Mohammad Manasrah, provided a passionate perspective on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. He emphasized the humanitarian crises in both Israel and Palestine, highlighting the media's role in shaping narratives. Manasrah expressed sadness for the civilians affected on both sides and urged for a balanced view of the conflict. Manasrah also highlighted the challenges faced by Palestinians in the West Bank, particularly in Hebron, due to Israeli settlements and restrictions. He called for international solidarity and support for the Palestinian people amidst the ongoing crisis.

The episode also delved into the intelligence failures that might have led to the recent escalation, with Vardi acknowledging gaps in Israel's intelligence regarding Hamas's intentions.

Overall, the episode provides a comprehensive look into the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, emphasizing the human cost and the urgent need for a resolution.

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Roifield Brown - Mid Atlantic
Mid-Atlantic - conversations about US, UK and world politics
Chit chat and debate about politics and culture in the US and UK, with Host Roifield Brown and guests.